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tv   EMIL Ys List Inauguration Brunch  CSPAN  January 20, 2013 4:00pm-6:00pm EST

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>> the presidential inauguration will be held tomorrow and in accordance with the constitution. he was sworn in today. we will treat the vice-president
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gathering at his home and then president obama laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown and then the officials wearing a president obama earlier today. ladies and on the month, the vice president of the united states and dr. biden accompanied by justice sotomayor. [applause]
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>> devised for the that has asked that we bless this occasion with prayer. let us pray. . micah blames you have been told what is good and what the board requires of you, only to do justice into love goodness, to walk calmly with your god. gracious god, at this moment in our history, we ask more blessing on your servant, joseph, as he renews his a broad pledge to his country. amid all the complexities of our world, the world's a beautiful but broken, give him a share of your residence and that he can know what is good and give him the courage to always do what is
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right. walk close by so that he can do justice and labored tirelessly for a more just and gentle world. empower him to be a voice for those without a voice, those on the margins, so easily overlooked. he will judge us all for how we care of the least among us. continue to give him the humility to always call upon you in times of need and with the gift of faith given to him by his church and family, help him to always know of your presence. ward, a retired barber -- lord, protect our president and vice- president. we thank you for the blessings of peace and liberty. we honor these are president so many in our foreign service, military, civil service to safeguard these blessings daily and we renew our pledge as citizens to join them in that
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noble labor to always work for the common good. help us to set aside self interest and to meet one another on the common ground to which you call us. generous god, you have given us so much and we homily offer these gifts for the good of others and for greater glory, amen. >> mr. vice-president, are you ready? >> i am, your honor. >> plays a hand on the bible, raise your right hand and repeat after me. >> i, joseph r. biden, jr., do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic, that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that i
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take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion and that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which i am about to let her -- enter. so help me god. >> congratulation. >> thank you, your honor. [applause] >> madam injustice, these are
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some of my friends and family. i wanted to explain to you what a wonderful honor it was and how much out of her way the justice had to go. she is due in new york can have to leave right now. we're going to walk down to where her car is waiting and so she can catch a train. i'm leaving and i will be going to meet the president to do the traditional lanham the read that the two -- laying of the w reath. i hope some of you will still be here. thank you very much for sharing this morning with us. madam justice, it is an honor. thank you. enjoy your breakfast. [applause]
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>> please raise your right hand and repeat after me. >> i, barack hussain obama, do solemnly swear that i will faithfully execute the office of president of the united states. and we'll come to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the united states. so help me god. >> congratulations, mr. president. >> congratulations -- thank you,
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and mr. chief justice. [applause] >> i did it. all right. thank you, everybody. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013] >> c-span and's cameras are on westergren to the capitol today. they're gathering in front of the public swearing in tomorrow. live coverage starts at 7:00 a.m. eastern including the swearing in at noon, the capital one shouldn't, and the parade along pennsylvania avenue. -- the capitol luncheon, and the parade.
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>> the 57 of presidential inauguration and live coverage starting on c-span at 7:00 a.m. eastern and to the inaugural ball. earlier today, the political action in committee, and molly's list, held a banquet for some of the newly elected female representatives. house democratic leader nancy pelosi addressed the gathering and the new 113th congress has 20 women now serving in the u.s. senate. this is about 45 minutes. [applause]
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>> good morning, everyone in. thank you very much. [applause] thank you. this, being a sunday morning, i want to begin by saying that this is the data god has made, that us rejoice and be glad. let us rejoice and be glad that as we gather here in the white house, barack obama is being officially sworn in as the president of the united states. earlier this day, joe biden was sworn in as vice president of the united states. tomorrow, it will be a ceremonial, but today it is official. what a great day. what a great day that we are celebrating emily's list success in strength in numbers. women leading the way.
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isn't that exciting? 15 more women senators in the united states senate. that is remarkable. in this cycle, we have 80 more democratic women in the house bringing our number to 61 women in the house. [applause] you hear a lot about how people asking how the republicans are going to reach the women,how are some people going to reach women voters. we are asking them to serve. we're asking them to have a seat at the table. that is why of the congress of the united states that was just sworn in two weeks ago there was a minority congress fear. they have a seat at the head of the table.
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they have at the head of the table. isn't she spectacular? isn't emily's list spectacular? strategic thinking. we are talking about dedication. we're talking about success. thank you, ellen, for being so, so, so wonderful.
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what this has done in its history has been chance formative for our country. there are making people more aware. every issue is our issue. a two-year anniversary of lilly ledbetter legislation. now we have an agenda to go forward if women are in the congress and committee. we will have to deal with issues like the safety of our
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children. thank you for making this a part of your agenda. you will have to be dealing with the issue that relates to violence against women. we need to pass that legislation. we have to deal with jobs. we are proudn for her leadership for equal pay in the workplace. we have a full agenda and women will have an impact. strength in numbers.
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we hope to elect many more women to the congress in 2014. if we didn't have so many women in the congress, we never would have had the first woman speaker of the house. thank you, emily's list, for that. just listening to the baptist choir, talking abotu 2016 and our hopes from 2014 -- you ain't seen nothing yet. thank you, emily's list, for having strength in numbers for women and helping to change the playing field. i promise you this. if we reduced the role of money in politics, overturned citizens
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united, encourage the level of civility in politics, increase stability, lower the money, we will change the environment in which politics is conducted and we will elect many more women to public office. that is a very good thing for our country. think year, emily's list. we are emily and we ain't seen nothing yet. thank you all. [applause] >> are you emily? >> hello. i'm elizabeth warren. [applause] about 25 years ago, i was a young mother around i got a
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solicitation letter from a group of women who said they were getting organized to get more women elected to public office. i thought, wow, that's a powerful idea. i sent them a check. and then about 25 years later -- [laughter] stephanie came to me and said, you know how people are talking about how you should run for the senate? she said, elizabeth, you can do this. i wanted to you two things. i can show you how and i can promise that if you do, emily's list will be with you every step of the way. [applause]
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today, things to that, i am the first woman senator from the commonwealth of massachusetts. emily's list is a pretty powerful idea. i am emily. [applause] >> i am clear mccaskill. -- claire. the energy in this room is amazing. i am taking it with me. i'm putting it in my pocket. i will draw upon it many times of the next six years when there is tough votes ahead. before anyone had ever heard of todd akin, before i was a
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statewide elected official, before i was a district attorney, i was the daughter of the first woman elected to the city council in the town i grew up in. [applause] i knew what it took to get elected. it was not magical mystery. it was being willing to take risks and hard work. before anyone had ever heard of todd akin, the know what all's in this town said, she cannot win. the terrain is to toss in a red states like missouri. the eyes said, wait, wait. i've got a plan. i can do this. wait. ien i said -- wait, have a plan. then there was emily's list. they listened. they returned my calls.
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stephanie and her team of hundreds of thousands of women across this country said we support what your doing. we understand your plan. they got it. my campaign helped against the extreme todd akin when the primary that it could be a gift to everyone by exposing his extreme views to the united states of america and it worked. [applause] in's list. the power of many. they stand for the proposition that just a little bit can mean a lot. they worked the voters. they work fundraising. they talk to women voters. they give us all strength and support. i thank you all from the bottom
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of my heart and i am very proud to be family. -- to be emily. [applause] >> good morning. my family is from no work, new jersey, but i was raised in kansas city, missouri, so when i say good morning, that means i want to hear it back. i know how hard senator mccaskill work every day and i have gotten to work at emily's list for several years where i was able to support and recruit candidates. it's a lot of juggling. it's a lot of struggle. it is a lot of working hard, but the results are always there. one thing i got to do was to step up when asked to be campaign manager for the historic reelection for barbara mikulski of maryland.
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[applause] i got to serve only presidential election campaign for women's outreach at the dnc. emily's list is working with us in the presidential cycle to make sure every woman has a voice and women are elected in every level of office. they know what's at stake in every cycle. we elected president barack obama. we reelected him with all of your help. thank you for that as well. it's great. [applause] many people ask how i got into women's outreach and who emily is. i often say i came by it honestly. i stand on the shoulders of those who came before me, my 97- year-old grandmother who never thought there would be an african-american president. i stand on the shoulders of my mother -- who is here today. stand up, mom.
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thank you, mom. she had dreams for me before i even knew what they look alike. who is emily? i am family and i know that all of you are, too. >> a good morning. you may be surprised to hear a man named chuck say "i am emily." well, i leave the gay and lesbian victory fund of founded on the family model. we learned a lot from working with emily's list on how to recruit and support candidates. i spent my life fighting for progressive values and i have met no better fighters for progressive values than emily's list women. this year, the victory fund supported 180 candidates at all levels, but nothing was like the pinnacle of all those races when
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we've teamed up with emily's list to help elect the first out center in the history of the united states. -- out senator. [applause] the partnership between emily's list and the victory fund was like nothing we had done before and we made history. it was nothing like the baptist church bringing down the roof. it was amazing. the first woman senator in the history of wisconsin. [applause] i hope you can imagine what her victory meant to gay and lesbian americans. especially to young people. i am emily because i know emily
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removes barriers fall all laws. -- for all of us. [applause] >> hello. my name is governor maggie hassin. [applause] i serve the granite state along with the and shaheen, carole porter, and annie huster. [applause] it is fair to say that all of us answer to the name emily. even our other united states senator is a woman. that means the hampshire is the first state in our country's history to be represented in congress and in the governor's
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office entirely by women. [applause] that did not happen by accident. it happened because thousands of women over many, many years worked hand in hand with emily's list and worked hard to get women elected. it happened because emily's liz tells me when i was in the state senate. i even hired a stopper to help manage my campaign. thank you for a superb campaign. it happens because we all turned out the women vote and they voted in overwhelming numbers for democratic candidates across the country. [applause] i have a big job in front of me,
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but i know i'm not alone. there are a lot of emily's in my life and i am so glad that my daughter and my son have been able to see what we can accomplish when we work together. in our family, we are all emily's. thank you. [applause] >> i'm kathleen sibelius. [applause] i have worked with emily's list for a very long time. first i was a longtime member, like elizabeth warren, then in 1994 when i ran statewide for the first time in an office that had never been held by a woman or a democrat, emily's list was there to help me get elected. in a very red state in 2002, they help me get elected governor of kansas and then reelected governor of kansas.
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i had the pleasure this fall of being one of the girls on the boss with stephanie as we toured across the southern tier of colorado going from town to town talking to women and men in the audiences about how all- important the state was, how to important their vote was. we ate pizza together. we drink a few adult beverages together. we probably stayed up too late, but it made a big difference. we were able to spread the news. what i learned is that once you are an emily, you are one for ever. i'm so delighted to have a chance to be here to say that family not only inspired me, but now it is inspiring a whole generation of new candidates,
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men and women, who will change this country forever. i am here because i am emily and i will be forever. [applause] >> i and jocelyn benson. i'm from the great state of michigan, home of a governor, debbier grant tolholme and stabenow. as president of the military spawn -- spouses of michigan, i have seen firsthand the struggles that are military families indoor and know the importance of making sure our government protect and serve those who protect and serve us. as an attorney and as the dean as one of the top public interest law schools, i run an
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institution that permits access to justice and seek to train the next generation of leaders and public servants. as a candidate for michigan secretary of state in 2010, early support from emily's list helped me to raise my voice and share my story. a stopper came to michigan, looked me in the eye and she said she knew i had it in me to win. thanks to her support, i was able to earn more votes than any other democratic candidate in the state and become the highest democratic votes debtor in michigan in 2010. -- vote getter in 2010. this means early support an early investment in young female candidates. it means nurturing us, our careers, and strengthening our ability to lead. it also means recognizing that
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our vote is our voice. we must work, each one of us must work come to make sure that women run and vote. women voters everywhere are informed and engaged, ready to participate. listemily because emily's perseveres and it stands for all of us. thank you. [applause] >> i'm a senator tammy baldwin. [applause] thank you. [applause] thank you. thank you to all the incredible people in this room who have done some much for me and so much help elect pro-choice women
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across this country. i am so proud to be one of nine emily's list women elected to the u.s. senate and one of 20 women sworn in earlier this month, the most ever in our nation's history. [applause] no one runs for senate alone. well, no one runs and wins. i was never alone, not for a single minute. all of you were with me every single step of the way. back in may 2011 when the senator announced that he was retiring, i convened a conference call to figure out
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whether there was a way i could step up and run. just like you have been with me for so long, emily's list was there for me at that moment. you were there day one when i ran for the house of representatives back in 1998. the pundits said i could not win. you were there with me every step of the way. i became the first woman to represents a woman in the house. that deserves some applause. [applause] and on the first day of this long journey you were there for me with sage advice, plenty of encouragement and a commitment to stand with me every single day. you follow it through and then some.
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thousands of you, your staff, your leadership that was not all. my campaign team developed their skills at emily's list either from your staff for excellent training. my senior advisers and other emily's list alumni working tirelessly on my behalf. there lot of people that doubted that i could win. when ever they did family would say she is been under estimated her entire career. she can do this. if i ever doubt i could win all i had to do was remember they had been with me my whole career.
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we can do this. there are many people here who did so much i'm going to thank you the best i know how. i'm going to ask you to do more. in my election night speech i told the crowd that was gather there that i was proud to have the honor of being the first woman elected from wisconsin and proud of the facts i would be the first openly gay member of the united states senate. [applause] i do not run to make history. i ran to make a difference. a difference in the lives of families 75 doric and pay the bills.
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-- struggling to find work and pay the bills. students who are struggling with debt. the difference in the lives of veterans who fought for us and need someone fighting for them when they return home from war. the difference in the lives of all intrapreneur is trying to build a business and working people trying to build economic security. i ran to make a difference. i intend to make a difference. just like nobody runs and wins a senate race alone, no one moves a country forward alone. just like i could not have won the election without the people in this very room, we cannot move the nation forward without your continued involvement. look around you in this room today.
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it is extraordinary. on monday, looked across the mall. everywhere there are women whose leadership can change the course of history. thousands of them make a decision about whether to seek public office. too many will hear the voices of the senate. -- teh cyincs and the naysayers. those that turn to emily's list for help will find training and support. many will run and many will win. together we will move our nation forward. i am a united states senator tammy baldwin and i am emily. [applause]
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please join me in welcoming my friends and an extraordinary leader whose tireless work led to the election of women across our nation be president of emily's list. [applause] >> thank you so much. [laughter] wow. thank you to our national co- chair and our coast and sponsors and a special thank you is your council members.
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[applause] it is always great to see so many good friends, especially when we have so much to celebrate together. look around. this is what making history looks like. [applause] it is a senate with 21 men,-- 20 women including the first women senators from massachusetts and hawaii. [applause] it is 16 new pro-choice democratic women in congress. it is the first openly gay senator the first asian american woman senator.
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the first congress women who served in combat. [applause] we have three new women under the age of 40. [applause] it is a congress with no alan west, no joe walsh, and no todd akin. [applause] we have fought so hard. we have one so much. we have come so far i am so proud as a woman and as an american.
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make no mistake. we are not done. we are still going to have to protect our middle-class from devastating cuts to programs that families rely on. we're still going to face threats to workers and voters rights. we're still going to hear phrases like legitimate rape and trans vaginal probe. it does not listen to reason. they sure do not learn from experience. if they remain as dangerous as ever. i have had enough playing defense. enough. we have earned this at the table many times over. now it is our time to take our place at the head of the table.
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this was a mandate for women's leadership. our lives were under attack. our candidates ran and won across the country. in electing the president. now it is our turn to drive the conversation. [applause] nobody works harder to turn out women's voters and emily's list. nobody knows more about why they voted the way they did. they stood up not just to preserve the right to make their own health care decisions but to secure equal pay for equal work, it to protect medicare for seniors and to build an economy that works for the middle class.
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that is exactly what we should expect from washington. [applause] i am proud to say that we have a president we can count on. president obama has been taking a strong stand with the women and families on health care, equality, economic security. he appointed two fantastic women to the united states supreme court. [applause] and he chose his biggest rival to be his partner on the world stage. we are so proud of hillary clinton. [applause] president obama trusts women and
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women can trust president obama. we have a reason to feel good about where we stand today. with the movement we have built together, we have reason to aim high elie the years to come. -- aim high in the years to come. last cycle, we more than quintupled the size of the economy -- our community. we're using technology to open our doors to another generation of women, and men, where we meet them. we reach them where they are. we help them understand what is at stake. we added in their voices to our movement. today, i am proud to say that emily's list is now more than
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two million members strong. let's make it 5 million in four years. let's do it. [applause] listt to see emily's expand its impact starting right now. i literally mean right now. immediately. join emily's list. there are a donor card that your table and there are candidates to leave you now. after all, we're in the business of winning elections. i have been in that business a while now. i have opened a lot of analysts from a family party lists of donors. i have seen a lot of polls. i have been backstage at concession speeches and i have helped make a few republicans give them. [applause]
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take it from me. winning matters. it is the difference between joe walsh and tammy duckworth. between todd akin and clair mccaskill. between mitt romney and barack obama. it matters. [applause] that is why, even as the campaigns of all, our commitment to winning will never change. the nuts and bolts matter out emily's list. we will continue to be there at the moments that matter most. we were there from the start in massachusetts. i answered all of elizabeth warren's questions about what it would be like.
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fortunately, she decided to run anyway. [laughter] we were there in wisconsin when everyone else thought tammy baldwin was a long shot. i'm not sure if they thought she had a shot at all. now they are calling her senator. [applause] we were there in new hampshire four years building a pipeline of great candidates. today, new hampshire has and all women delegation led by the fantastic jean chretien -- shaheen. thank you. we will be there to hold republicans accountable when they threaten our rights. we will be there to stand with
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our candidate when karl rove goes on the attack and we will be there in the final moments when mobilizing women voters makes all the difference. the only thing that will change is that we want more. more members joining our cause, more pro-choice democratic women coming up through the pipeline, more emily's list candidates running in more races up and down the balance. more resources to support those candidates. most of all, more nights like the one we had on november 6th day of the more celebrations like the one we are having today. [applause] emily's list has been leading this fight for 28 years.
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we have seen so many milestones. we have stood by so many amazing women. after geraldine ferraro blaze the trail, we stepped in to help take the next up for women. it started with barbara mikulski and it sure has not stopped since. barbara boxer, patty murray, debbie stabenow, maria cantwell, kay hagan, amy klobuchar, and speaker nancy pelosi, a elizabeth warren, tammy baldwin, maggie hassan, louis frankel -- the numbers keep going. we have seen so many incredible women in this room today. all of those victories have led us to this moment. we are ready to take the next
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step. we are ready to be the springboard for the next generation of democratic women leaders. we are ready to elect more democratic women governors in 2014. we are ready to help nancy pelosi get her gavel back. [applause] we are ready to put a democratic woman in the oval office. that starts with putting a woman on the democratic ticket in 2016. we can do this. our goal is within reach. our movement has never been stronger. our time is now. there is strength in numbers. there is strength in this room. today, let's celebrate. tomorrow, let's get to work.
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thank you. thank you so much. thank you. [applause] welcome to the stage of the amazing and malley's list candidates, past and present -- emily's list. elizabeth warren, tammy baldwin, elisabeth hassan. come on up. [applause]
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>> here's a look at the western side of the capitol building which has been transformed to the stage where president obama will be sworn in tomorrow and will be delivering his second inaugural address.
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>> a look at some of the activity happening around the capitol where president obama will deliver his second inaugural speech. we'll have live coverage starting at 7:00 eastern time, including the swearing-in and the parade. next we'll hear from two former speech writers about what goes into writing an inaugural address. >> we want to welcome john mcconnell. thanks for being with us. this is from the washington examiner, the obama highlights the challenges. this is from the "chicago tribune" no time to waste in a second term and more aggressive
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obama may seek quick wins on the big issues. those issues will be framed tomorrow. what will we hear? guest: i'm excited to hear it as i know you are. that headline "no time to waste" makes me think of president clinton's inaugural address. saying it would be wrong to waste the gift of time. the second inaugural is about continuity. the president has been in office, his time is half finished and he is more conscious than ever before of the passing of time. therefore, is going to be infatic about his great ambitions and goals for the country. but by the same token, i don't think it will be policy specific speech only because inaugural
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addresses can't cover that kind of ground. people don't expect it to. it is at a higher level, an aspirational level, a bit of description as what we've gone through as a country in the last four years. presidents tended do that in their second inaugural addresses. not recapping but what we've been through as a country. then, a few great goals for the four years to come but not a lot of specifics. host: because the this day is a sunday, president obama has the luxury of having one more day to prepare for his speech. what is happening 24 hours before an inaugural speech? do you think everything is in place or is there fine tuning going on? guest: typically, at least the president i worked for bill clinton, would work on the major
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speeches up to the last minute. i understand that president obama has some of those tendencies as well. this is such a big moment for the president that he has to make sure he fine tunes it. it is his voice. speech writers can give him a great draft but i think at this moment he's putting his final touches on it himself. host: we've been talking this morning about second inaugural addresses and a lot of references to lincoln's second saturday much more famous than his first address but that is the exception. guest: i suppose it is. there aren't a lot of inaugural addresses out there. but lincoln's definitely stands out. i'm trying to think offhand whose president's second
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inaugural address resinated more than the first. possibly my president, george bush. because it was such a different picture at the second term than at the beginning of his first. host: both of you bush, 43, president blin's second inaugural address was longer than the first. guest: yes, we had quite a challenge with president clinton. as most people know, he tends to like to speak long. the second address was rather long but, you know, he had a way with the audience and i think he made up for it with the delivery and he was captivating with people. although, i think a normal address typically tend to be shorter than other major presidential addresses. it is a moment of national
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unity, it is not a moment to lay out a detailed policy agenda. so, you know, it is more rhetorical and poetic than a policy speech. host: of course, the president will have that chance in three weeks when he delivers the state of the union address. guest: yes, that will be a policy agenda in greater detail. it will be a speech that makes a lot more news than the inaugural address. the inaugural address comes and goes. the state of the union address resinates a little more because it is more detailed and it gets the political world buzzing. host: tomorrow is also dr. martin luther king holiday. president clinton was the first to have his inauguration fall on an m.l.k. day in 1997 and
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president clinton making a reference to dr. king in his speech. >> 34 years ago, the man whose life we celebrate today, spoke to us down there, at the other end of this mall. in words that moved the conscious of a nation. like a profit of old, he told of his dream that one day america will rise up and treat all its citizens as equals before the law and in the heart. dr. martin luther king's dream was the american dream. his quest is our quest. our history has been built on such dreams and labors.
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and by our dreams and labors we will redeem the promise of america in the 21st century. host: from 1997, to a live view here in washington, d.c. in the area around where the parade will take place following the presidential address. he made that reference to dr. martin luther king and one will expect that the president will make a longer reference tomorrow. guest: i think so. i think tomorrow is historic moment in civil rights history. it was 50 years ago that dr. martin luther king made his "i have a dream" speech on the mall. 50 years ago was the assassination of john f. kennedy , the horrific church bombing
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was 50 years ago. so the president will be surrounded symbolically and historically by a lot of civil rights milestones. in fact, i believe the widow of evers will give a speech. yes, i think this will be a moment where he will definitely refer to the civil rights milestones that got him to this moment. host: the other bible will be lincolns. guest: i was joust noticing that the camera cut to dr. king's youngest son. i can't help thinking what it must have felt like to be sitting there and i imagine that
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he will be there tomorrow. host: the promise that dr. king talked about has been fulfilled with the re-election of president obama? guest: i think you can't deny that we made tremendous progress. and the re-election of president obama is another milestone moment in civil rights history. but we still have a long way to go as far as racial reconciliation in america and building what dr. king called "a loving community account. tomorrow, yes, is a milestone moment not only for the president but for america's quest for racial are skillization. host: let's go to a phone call. good morning. caller: thank you for taking my call. it's a pleasure to be calling and being on the air.
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i actually had the privilege when i was 20 years old i was on the executive board of penn state and me and some of the other members of the executive board as well as some of the borders of the k.s.u. did attend the inauguration of president clinton back in 1997. host: what do you remember from that moment? caller: i remember the crowds -- i mean i have never seen a crowd like that in washington, d.c. that was the first time i've been to an inauguration of a president. and the fact that, you know, we were all young and in college at the time, bill clinton seemed like he was speaking to us, speaking to the college kids and the young people. but i remember too, we wanted to have all our basis covered as far as tickets go.
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we got tickets from a congressman who represented in ohio and we worked with him. but the tickets we got from him we were way back in the mall behind the washington mumet -- monument. we also worked with a republican congressman who was from the 16th district from ohio and he got us tickets to a closer venue so we used those tickets versus congressman brown's tickets. i do remember that at the time. host: thanks for the call. guest: there was an article the other day about the a lotment of tickets to the inauguration to the members of congress. nobody would tell how many tickets members of congress received. they don't have many, they have
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a couple hundred. what the caller was describing was the every four year scene here. when i was 12 years old i was here at the inauguration of jimmy carter. on the east front of the capitol and i was here four years later when ronald reagan was inaugurated on the west front. it would have been carter'sen second inauguration if the election came out differently. but the viewing situation was not very good. the east front of the capitol used to be a parking lot. where as at the west front you can accommodate the immense
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crowds and they can see something. guest: i might add that president obama's first inaugural was attended by over one million people and the expectations will be half of that. i think that is typical of second inaugurations. they are not as well -- publicly attended as the first. i think it is because, you know, the country is not as excited. they know who you are. they have seen you a friend of mine was a writer for bill clinton i read something he said recently to say let us begin is more inspiring than let us continuing. i think that is a true point. host: let's go back to january
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2005 as george w. bush was sworn into a second term. >> on this day prescribe bid law and marked by ceremony, we celebrate the wisdom of our constitution and recall the deep commitments that unite our country. i am grateful for the honor of this hour, mindful of the times in which we live, and determined to fulfill the oath that will i have sworn and you have witnessed. at this second gathering, our duties are defined not by the words i use but by the history we have seen together. for a half a century america defended our own freedom by standing watch on distant borders. after the shipwreck of
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communism, 10 years of quiet. and then there came a day of fire. we have seen our vulnerability and we have seen its deepest source. for as long as whole regions of the world simmer in resentment prone to ideologies that feed hatred and excuse murder, violence will gather and multiple and cross the most defended borders and raise a mortal threat. there is only once force of history that can break the reign of hatred and resentment and expose the tyrants and reward
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the decent and toer rant and that is the force of human freedom. host: from january 20, 2005 to a live view of lafayette park. tourist continue to gather and take pictures. this is where president obama will review the troops and floats. it will get under way tomorrow afternoon. we're joined by two veterans of speech writing. how do you put the president's voice into words? guest: well, i will describe the process of the second inaugural address of president bush. mike was the speechwriter for the first term and into the second term. right after the re-election mike and the president started
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talking about the second inaugural address. the president said from the beginning this is going to be the freedom speech, of course, that is how it is remembered. the clip you showed was the best part of it. mike started outlining and thinking, and putting together the intellectual address pretty soon after the election. he was working on it in early december when he had a heart attack, mike did. but he stayed at it. when the drafting of the address came together, he and i worked as a team. but by the time i came into it, it was an intellectual now her rent speech that had been put together it just needed to be written. president bush practiced it a few times, made a lot of
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changes. i'm sure he did this with president clinton, you go into the family theater and they set it up and you practice. you get over the rough spots, you practice the ones that are a little more complex -- the sentences that are more complex. but in terms of getting the person's voice on paper it is a collaborative process. a speech has to be written according to to the basic style. words should be short, sentences should be short as much as possible because you have to pace yourself and breathe. but those are all -- those are true rules that apply to every speaker. you've got weather conditions, wind, sometimes rain host: sure.
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guest: you're always mindful of that because it is an outside ceremony. host: our #is inaugural2013. this is going to be the twitter ininauguration. reaction to president obama's speech tomorrow. guest: this is one of the new developments of the 21st century. president clinton was -- his second inaugural was the last one of the 20th century. so president bush gave the first inaugural of the 21st century. we did not have twitter, i don't think we had facebook. we did not have all the social media that exists today. that really makes a difference because of the fact that,
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there's going to be instant analysis by pundits and social media, journalists, whatever you want to call them. social media people will be tweeting every reaction to every word which is interesting. we used to have intants polls after the fact of a major speech now we're getting the polls while the speech is going on. host: he's not even finished and the pundits are forming. we'll billion following it here. thomas is on the phone. good morning. caller: i wanted to ask mr. mcconnell, how do you write a speech for a president which is limited in resources of ability to be able to have a foundation for the words that they are really saying. we had president clinton who was
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very articulate and intelligent but president bush was very limited in -- did he understand the words he was saying? guest: president bush was a fine speaker. it was not difficult to write for him. he was a person who was always clear on the ideas that he wanted to convey. he was a very good editor, very smart, careful ode iter of the speech drafts. he told us once early in the administration, probably it had been pointed out to him as it was pointed out to us. this is the modern presidency and it's going to be a lot different than being -- holding any other kind of office. a huge volume of speeches ranging from obviously, the
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short items in the rose garden to the major addresses. but the president told us one time, every speech is important and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. it's important. people are paying attention, not in the same degree to every given speech but treat them all as very important because he did. the speech writers needed to as well. he also practiced the major addresses, as i mentioned, as all presidents do. that is something i'm sure president obama is doing today. host: no stranger to the stage and speech making. president ronald reagan, our 40th president. the first president to be sworn in on the west front of the capitol. he was sworn in for a second term in 1985.
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herself a portion of that speech. >> when i took this oath four years ago i did in the economic stress. voices were saying that we need to look to our past. but we, the present day americans are not given to looking backward. in this blessed land there is always a better tomorrow. four years ago i spoke about a new beginning and we have accomplished that. in another sense, our new beginning is a continuation of that beginning created two centuries ago. when for the first time in history, government, people said, was not our master it is our servant. it is only power that, we the people, allow it to have. that system has never failed us. but for a time we failed the system. we ask things of government that the government was not equipped
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to give. we yielded to the national government. we allowed taxes and inflation to rob us of our earnings and savings and watched the great industrial machine slow down at the number of unemployed increase. by 1980 we knew it was time to renew our faith, to stride with all our strength for individual freedom consistent with orderly society. we believe then and now, there are no limits to growth and human progress when men and women are free to follow their dreams. and we were right. host: to a live view on pennsylvania avenue. that speech was delivered by ronald reagan. his inauguration day fell on a
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sunday. what a difference that speech inside as the temperature on that date, 7 degrees. the windchill was 20 below. it tells you about the quality of the speaker, it sounded like it was written for an intimate setting. with his softer tones which does not hold a lot of people in that room. he had been delivering that outside it probably wouldville sounded good. i remember the story about reagan and he was in the oval office for the first time. they brought in tv cameras to get pictures of the new president at the new desk. i can't remember if it was a reporter that asked him what do you think of all this?
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he said it is wonderful. host: chad joining us from atlanta. caller: thank you for taking my call this morning. i was wondering what were some of the challenges that president obama might face in the second term? as you saw the battle with the fiscal cliff and i know it pushed back the debt ceiling crisis for about three months, i believe. i was wondering if there would be a chance for congress and the president to be able to foster more bipartisanship during the second term than the first. guest: i think that's going to be a major theme of his speech. i think he will reach out, once again across the aisle to call for the reaching of common ground on some of these major
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issues like the debt ceiling, the budget, gun control, immigration, tax reform, those kinds of things. so i think that it is true that we are -- we have a divided government now. it has been a difficult four years but i think president obama is a natural. i think he will make that a big theme of his second term. i think you will hear some of that tomorrow. host: this is from this morning's "the washington post" who writes a new term, a new obama. he points out and draws an aanalogy to f.d.r. and eisenhower.
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guest: the roosevelt second inaugural address is interesting to read. it really is at peace with the first inaugural address. this is a president saying i came in with a huge crisis, we're on the right path, we're going to keep going. he has a phrase in there, have we found our happy val valley? i -- valley. i don't read it as being an aggressive speech. he was speaking to the whole country but he wasn't in campaign mode. roosevelt was very good in that way and eisenhower never sounded like he was in campaign mode. guest: i think that speech is recognized as one of the better second inaugurals. i think it does echo some of the
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themes of president obama. one of the lines in that speech, i see a nation ill clothed -- 1/3 of a nation. he talked about income inequality pushing forward a new deal and making the country work for all people. host: let's go to the democrats line. good morning. caller: thanks for taking my call. i've a couple of issues and i'll make it as brief as possible. the first one is, i think as americans if we lived up to being democrats, that we would be allowed to elect our president as many times as we felt we wanted him there. when we're tired of him, move him out. having only eight years to work
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with you just get programs started in four years. i worked in government and i know how slow it works. we have four years to get the program started and then you got one more four years to, you know, make it go, make it work and impress everybody. if it does, and people like it, i believe we should be able to vote them back in. i think that is more american than the republic that we run here today. host: thanks for the call. ronald reagan wanted to change the constitution to allow presidents to serve more than two terms. he also said that eight years may be more than enough. guest: reagan did. he always said that while he was president -- he never said he would run for a third teerm, as a matter of fact, hed a voy
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kated this change for future presidents not for himself. he called the limitation a violence of the democratic rights of the people. but i think when a president comes into office and there is a lot of commentary about the hard road ahead, does he really want this? he wants it. the greatest day to be standing there as president. i hope that president obama's greatest theme tomorrow is the theme of, at least, seizing the moment. mindful, again, of the passing of time. host: here's a scene of the white house. the presidential sale just above the security screens that are
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put in place. probably one of the warmest places to watch the parade because there are heating units to keep the first family warm. give us an idea what that feeling is like the speeches are done and the parade is under way. guest: i think that is also moment of, sort of pomp and circumstance. the president gets to be in the parade and sometimes they get out of the car and walk down the street. i think it is a moment not only for the president but for the family, for the children and for the first lady to participate in this grand celebration. so it's a long day for the president because he starts early in the morning with the swearing-in then the parade isn't over until 5:00 in the afternoon. so it's a long day for him but i
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think its a day they really relish. host: president clinton also had one of the longest parades in history. caller: i just wanted to comment on the whole barack obama doing cuts and i didn't appreciate him doing cuts. i want to know how he'll make the second temperature by making cuts? host: what can he do where we have a $16 trillion budget debt and growing? guest: it is a question of leadership. tomorrow's speech won't be the answer to these big problems. but these big problems are the background of everything he's going to be working on for the next four years. so the state of the union address, i guess on lincoln's
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birthday, is where we're going hear the president describe how he wants to do it. host: bill clinton's reference to the bridge. here's more from his second inaugural address. >> at this last presidential inauguration of the 20th century let's lift our eyes to the challenges they await us in the next century. it is our great, good fortune, the time and chance have put us at the edge of a new century but on the edge of a bright new prospect in human affairs. a moment that will define our course and our character for decades to come. we must keep our old democracy forever young. guide bid the an chents vision of a promised land let us set
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our sights on a land of new promise. the promise of america was born in the 18th century. out of a bold conviction that we are all created equal. it was extended and preserved in the 19th century when our nation spread across, save the union aabolish slavery. then in turmoil that promise exploded on the world's stage to make this the american century. and what a century it has been. america became the world's biggest industrial power. saved the world from a long cold war and time again reached out across the globe to millions who like us, long for the blessings
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of liberty. host: from the inaugural address of president bill clinton in 1997 to a live view of the u.s. capitol as preparations continue for the ceremony tomorrow at the same location. the president can outline an agenda often unforeseen events will shape an administration. guest: absolutely. that is one of the interesting things about government and the presidency. you never know what is going to happen. when 9/11 happened. during the clinton administration we had columbine and the oklahoma city bombing. those kind of events you can't predict. you had to lay out an agenda and say what you want to do but you're somewhat at the mercy of the news and breaking events. host: this is a tweet from a
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supporter of the president. saying in route to washington, d.c. to reunite with obama for the inauguration. you mentioned the first time you came was in 19 7 when jimmy carter walked down pennsylvania avenue. the first president to do so, to walk the entire route. a lot has changed in terms of security and infrastructure as to what folks will see tomorrow. guest: i was at president obama's national parade four years ago. i was watching it around 6th and pennsylvania. there was speculation of, is he going to get out of the car? the white house won't tell you and the assumption is he won't get out of the car. he did, right around that spot and mrs. obama and walked a good stretch of the parade. it is a wonderful thing to see watching the president and the
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first lady walking. host: security will be extremely tight. this is the area of pennsylvania avenue that he was talking about. we'll cover it live tomorrow. lisa is on the phone from louisiana, democrats line. caller: good morning. my son and myself were fortunately enough to attend the inauguration four years ago and the concert. at that particular time he was 8 years old. my question to the speech writers, i'm sure by being speech writers you know a lot of history. for this particular president, he's an african american president and for his birth right to be questioned and so racial and the disrespect he received. have you read about other
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president's faced so much racial undertones? host: thank you, lisa. guest: being the first african american president and the only african american president and the only non-white male in history, he would be the only one to face that kind of scrutiny and conflict. but i think he has handled it well. i don't think it has impeded his ability to governor and try to bring -- govern and bring the country together. host: let's go back to bush's second inaugural address. >> today america speaks a new to the people's of the world. all who live in hopelessness can know the united states will not ignore your oppression or excuse
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your oppressers. when you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you. [applause] democratic reformers facing repression, prison, or exile can know, america sees you for who you are. the future leaders of your free country. the rulers of outlawed regimes can know that we still believe as lincoln did those who deny freedom to others do not deserve it for themselves. and under a rule of a just god cannot long retain it. the leaders of governments with long habits of control need to know, to serve your people you must learn to trust them.
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start on this journey of progress and justice and america will walk at your side. host: from january 2005 as we look at a live view of the white house. we're reminded one of his final public appearances of lincoln was from the second floor of the white house. guest: yes, from the middle window where you see the lantern that is where lincoln gave his last speech and john wilkes booth was in the audience that night. guest: lincoln is bigger now than he was in 2005. i wonder if we're going to hear some lincoln tomorrow? guest: not sure. president obama being from chicago reveals lincoln and he has seen the movie. i know he saw inspiration from
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lincoln. we may very well hear some references. host: we've been sharing the scene from outside the white house. it has become a mecca for tourists to capture the majesty of this weekend. steve is joining us from miami. go ahead, please. caller: good morning. host: good morning. caller: i would like to say that i'm cuban american. i got here in 1960 and to us and what i've learned since then is that white and black, we're all the same. putting that aside, he made a comment about gun control. the first thing that has happened in cuba, russia, is one
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thing, they take the guns away from the citizens. we don't need that in the united states of america. i believe we have a second amendment that goes back for a long time. second, spending. how can we keep spending money when our nation doesn't have a penny to stand on? my three kids and my grandkids, what are they going to believe in us? i have a question, for the democratic party. in cuba right now they are not political refuges anywhere. right now i'm watching c-span at my mother's place. she worked for 30-something years in this beautiful nation.
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when are we going to stop giving away our money, ok, that people pay taxes in this beautiful nation. we have people coming in --ly use my place of birth, cuba. host:ly stop you there. you put on the table two big issues that the president is going to face, the debt and immigration. guest: these are going to be two big issues. i will say on the gun control issue, nobody is talking about taking guns away. they are talking about common sense measures to prevent some of the tragic incidents that we've seen in newtown, aurora, colorado. i think there will be time to get into the thick of these
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issues after tomorrow. i think tomorrow will be a chance for the president to really try to bring the country together and say we need to reach common ground on some of the major problems we face. host: you were inside the bush whout and bush put on the table two major items. immigration reform which failed because his own party said no and social security reform. what advice would you give to president obama based on the lessons you saw with president bush? guest: the advice i would give to him is you can't go wrong by doing what you prolsed you would do. -- promised you would do. by pressing the voters that you told them you would press. you have to be willing to face the consequences. when president bush was re-elected he said i have political capital and i'm going spend it.
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he shush did by taking on the issues that he did. it works out sometimes and it doesn't work out in other cases. you have to press agenda with energy and vigor. i think our prosecutors have down that with varing degrees of success. host: let me share another moment from your former boss. saying there is a cadence of j.f.k. this n this speech. bill clinton, 1997. >> fellow citizens we must not waste the gift of this time. for all of us on that same journey of our lives and our journey too will come to an end. but the journey of our america must go on.
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so, my fellow american, we must be strong for there is much to dare. the demands of our time are great and they are different. let us meet them with faith and courage, with patience, and a grateful happy heart. let us shape the hope of this day into the noblest chapter in our history. yes, let us build our bridge. [applause] a bridge wide enough and strong enough for every american to cross over to a blessed land of new promise. may those generations those
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faces we can't yet see, whose names we may never know, say of us here, that we led our beloved land into a new century with the american dream alive for all her children. with the american promise of a more perfect union. a reality for all her people. with america's bright flame of freedom spreading throughout all the world. host: you were part of that speech for president bill clinton. give us the inside story. how did that come about? guest: i would say that the theme, the bridge to the 21st century is one that he -- actually it began when he was governor of arkansas. it was one of the major themes of his first campaign.
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it looked throughout the first administration -- in fact, for us the speech writers we got tired of hearing that phrase the bridge to the 21st century. it was one that he really liked. i think it was something he created and it painted a picture that the american people could see. this speech, i think he wanted to, sort of chronicle the sweep of history and show how america came out of difficult times before and how, you know, we could do it again. his other theme was this new democrat theme of opportunity for all, responsibility from all and a community -- a new sense of community in america. just making the point that we're
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all in this together and we're going sink or swim together. guest: i will govern you a compliment here. i'm familiar with president clinton's campaign and i was on the receiving end of that campaign. the bridge to the 21st century and i'm glad his old speech writers were tired of it as the rest of us were. when he got re-elected i remember thinking before his second inaugural address, what is he going to do with that bridge? it is so tired, we've heard it too many times. it is to unify the country and there comes the bridge. but it was so well done. it did not take you back to the campaign, it closed the chapter
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very well. fit was the theme of the his inaugural address i don't think it would have worked. but to bring it in at the end like he did i thought it paid off. guest: by the time these presidents reach the point, i wonder, did president bush ever express any nervousness, this is probably the biggest speech he will give and a huge national and international audience. was there anxiety or a huge comfort level? guest: i wouldn't say anxiety, i would say very in the moment, very mind. of the moment. he witnessed so many moments like this in his life before he thought he would be president. he sat on the flat perform watching his father be inaugurated as president.
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i was at the white house that morning and the president's motorcade was going to the capitol. they were taking the motorcade on a road that i have never seen them take before. they went out the east gate of the white house and up to pennsylvania avenue, and down west competitive drive and took him down to constitution avenue. when i realized what they were doing, i was thinking the president will go right by my office. i ran out the door and stood there, there was nobody there and the big limo came rolling by and i gave him the thumbs up and he gave me one back and this was not the look of a nervous man. host: we're talking to former speech writers at the white house both of you survived. both of you worked with paul
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ryan, if he runs will you join? guest: that is something the top man decides. caller: i was wondering, is the president going to have any proposals to introduce a set of programs to move people from the social service programs to the workforce? host: thanks for the call. we know we'll hear more detail for state of the union address. let's take his point and broaden it a little bit. will this lay the ground work for what we will get for the state of the union address? guest: i think you will hear more specifics at the state of the union. tomorrow you may hear broad outlines for things like a balanced approach to our budget and to the economy. also taking measures to get more
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people working and off of public assistance. you will hear broad themes about that but the details will come later. host: do you agree? guest: yeah. host: let's go to the republican line from ohio. caller: yes, sir. i just have a comment i want to make. i hope when president obama takes his oath to office that he takes the oath literally and not hypocritically. i'm an n.r.a. member. it does state that he will protect the constitution of the united states. i hope that is what he takes very literally and not hip commitly. host: thanks for the call. he brings up the issue of guns
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and gun violence. one of the domestic issue we will hear from the president in the weeks ahead. do you think it will be in the inaugural address? guest: i don't think it will be in the address, maybe sop reference to making our country safe and keeping our children safe may be in there. i don't think he'll, you know, make a pitch for gun legislation. host: final question for both of you. what makes a successful second inaugural address? guest: getting to make it. [laughter] being there. it has to have a good sense of to moment. it has to not be too timed, it has to have a sense of history as well. only then will it be something that is read years and generations down the road. guest: i agree. i think it has to reassure that


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